Friday, September 25, 2009 @ 12:10 AM
hahahahahaha omg ZN JUMPS ON HER SIT.
havent been blogging for ages because i wanted to preserve chua huiying's face here for good. but oh well zn's typo overrides everything (: life is like shit nowadays i dont know why im starting this trend of losing things kns haha until goodfren had to warn me not to lose myself D:
nehmind its my whale heehee hugeeeeee whale but it shall come and pass! hopefully.
waaah ant blog properly dont know no mood ): went sentosa with cg on sun, and ecp with gc chai on mon! been meeting my beetle chai damn regularly for study/binging dates hee we rode a double bike on mon and it almost killed us both cause i was the one leading in front. cycled halfway and my macs toy fell off my bag and then after that one of my slipper fell off and i had to walk back to collect them MALU TTM ): haha! what noobs we are.
oh yeah joke that day was on the bus with her to changi to study overnight, we got glared at by this uncle who kept calling us siao because we would bellow and roar with laughter hee and it made me quite pissed.
after the uncle said his last siao at us and went off the bus, me: *glared* omg did you hear him, he called us siao leh! gc: really?? never mind him lah *still happy* me: but he scolded us!!!! gc: *still smiling.. then slowly turns into frown* oh, yeah. haiiii i dont like it when people scold me for being happy ):
HAHAHAHAHA so cute okay? made me roar with more laughter hahaha i think we are such annoying pests on the bus no wonder yulao used to hate us to the core when we sat tgt!
shall post random pics over the few mths aww.
larry outing! HAHA me joy anan to taka carpark take pics. they became obsessed with my multishot camera :D
midst of indian dance HAHA. joy looks like she's kicking my stomach.
lets focus on joy's everlasting green shorts! :D
this is cancan HAHAHAHA.
our polaroid! anan says pooh is looking up our skirts what pervert.

starbugs overnight studying, HAHA on 090909 cool seh!
gorbachev aww.

we looked like possessed pests.
 after promos s28 girls vivo outing! hahaha we're an all girls class so cute (:
cixian vs wshit
random sishood spastic photo.
group shottttt.

 e222 sentosa outreach!
HAHAHA everyone hates weijie. arison's face full of hatred and wallace is wearing a halfjacket he think he cute.
our 4 newspaper guys hahaha weijie daryl bryanyeo and wallace FACE BLURRED BY CAMERA HAHA.
aww (:
SURE WIN TEAM and our signature handsign HAHA.

 okay tired, NIGHTS ALL! -kaiqi