![]() The sweetest thing , The wildest woe is LOVE |
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 12:32 AM i counted down to christmas today! with chagiyah, yiwei my sbf (secret countdowns!), arison neo (thanks for wishing me MERRILL christmas hahaha omg), bryan, GP my bunny and fanzhian! HAHA i think everyone was damn annoyed with me cause i'd keep going 12 more mins/5 more mins each time hahaha oh well :D to my dearest GP! merry christmas to you♥ thanks for all these 5 years of fun laughter peace and joy that we've shared tgt, im so glad i've found you and made you my oh so tele gp! lets promise to never part no matter what happens okay, cause i cant imagine life without my gp, EVER. so even when we are 70 years old we must still be playing hexic/flags/saving momo & drawing muah faces tgt! i love you so much♥ and this is from her to me, hahahaha cute ttm okay the longest speech ever~ Christmas Speech to my GP: MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVELY GP :) i'm super glad we countdowned together! so, have a happy christmas yay! we thank God for the birth of Jesus so we are saved and we are GPs! (: and, we MUST meet up more often la, where got gps like that one! so we can talk talk about everything under the sun moon stars camel legs whootzi! if - bullies you, you can tell me! or you can tell me anything la actually, even like if you get bitten by an ant or what, i scold the ant for you! make sure it gets eaten by some lizard or what hoho. ( '.')BUNNIES FOREVER, I LOVE YOU GP! (L) alright then now's the usual, my msg to chagiyaaah: CHAGIYAH merry christmas to youuu! haha seriously i think we have the weirdest relationship, it grows stronger over the years aye, from like mere classmates to being the closest of friends for these 5 years :D thanks for everything you've done for me all these while, especially for this year when i had to go through all my toughest problems, but you made sure i wasnt alone when i went through it. much as i hate to say this, but you're really a great friend i guess HAHA. you kept your promise to be there for me always when i needed you, and i hope i've done so for you as well! promise me that no matter what happens in the future, we'll always have each other in our lives, till we grow old and live in our dbsk lane with junsu and yunho yah HAHA wth. anyway just wanted to tell you, i know what you're going through now and i just want you to know, no matter whats your decision in the end, i'll support it. im always there for you okay? promise me you'll stay strong, you're my armoured twaeji remember! we'll never let anything get us down. be happy always chagiyah, i love you♥ and to everyone else, MERRYCHRISTMAS! love yall ttm :D -kaiqi! T'zhiyun! says (12:34 AM): i think i want changmin micky and jaejoong too kaiqi! says (12:35 AM): MICKY kaiqi! says (12:35 AM): IS kaiqi! says (12:35 AM): MINE. kaiqi! says (12:35 AM): hands off him T'zhiyun! says (12:36 AM): hahaah micky quite cute leh, i want! T'zhiyun! says (12:36 AM): but nvm, spirit of giving T'zhiyun! says (12:36 AM): i give him to you T'zhiyun! says (12:37 AM): i take junho and junsu HAHAHAHA my chagiyah is oh so retarded okay, she thinks she's santa. spirit of giving tsk! |
@ 12:07 AM Hello all, MERRY CHRISTMAS (: As usual, a message for my dearest chagiyah! Thanks for all that you've done for me, really appreciate it. I'm not exactly in the most poetic state of mind today so make do with this, haha. MERRY CHRISTMAS OKAY, you dont need no presents from me, cause' i'm already a good present as a friend aye (: I've got so much to say, but I don't know how to right now, so let's just assume you already know yeah. Thank you, really. Heartbreaker's on the repeat mode -tzhiyun |
Saturday, December 20, 2008 @ 2:22 AM christmas's in 5 days omgggg how time flies ): anyway, i managed to complete my fast ytd, 6am-6pm! HAHA omg was amazed i could last through it, even with nikki's constant temptations of kfc and starbucks hahaha like shit. studied with her for the whole afternoon and she kept stoning and staring at nowhere on the claim that she was resting her eyes and looking for green things to look at (eg some random boy who was walking with his grandma; or the christmas tree in starbucks wth) HAHAHAHA damn funny. finished fast at 6 and nikki was watching as i gobbled down my food hahaha omg blisssssss :D oh and super funny hahahah classic moment we were going down an escalator tgt when i pointed out there was a woman in front of us who tried to go up the down escalator, nikki: *shakes head* look, another yiwei (cause yiwei is always so blur and clumsy HAHA) then we got to the bottom of the escalator and nikki tripped over her own foot, me: HAHAHAHAHA another yiwei too? damn funny omg she was so embarrassed afterwards hahahaha cute lah cute. watched twilight with the bishan people today at bishan :D linkai sucks ttm he tricked me into coming at 10 and then he and weijie arrived at 1015 cause apparently he knew i'll oversleep omg irritating! twilight was okaaaay, claudia kept giggling at all the romantic scenes that'll set me giggling too tsk. then played arcade tgt hahaha daytona was fun ttm kept banging into each other haha wth. afterwards lunch with merrill and phoebe then samuel joined us and we went to town tgt to shop. didnt get much presents though anyway dinner at kfc was a joke HAHA samuel was trying to reject food but ended up eating all our leftovers eg whipped potato, coleslaw and the buddy meal prawns HAHAHA and he even pocketed the kfc napkin for later use during cg omg cheapskate ttm! then he wanted to steal weijie's coke too, weijie:*watches samuel greedily take up the empty coke cup* uh actually theres no more coke alr. samuel: oh. i knew that, i was just.... checking to see your drinking progress only. HAHAHAHA damn dumb please i choked on my food hearing that. -kaiqi! |
Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 3:53 AM its 3:53 am in the morning and i cant sleep cause i watched a horror movie today ): traumatising ttm okay and someone still has the cheek to say that the way i reacted i make horror films seem like a comedy. like shit hmpf, NEHMIND~ fri i met up with the retards zonatan and lack lo to go lack's house and supposedly help her pack her room, end up we gave up and watched movies on her laptop instead! took ages to find the right show we wanted to watch and ended up watching Its A Boy Girl Thing, omg the girl's damn pretty haha then we took loads of pics which lack hasnt sent me, TSK then we left early. oh fellowship after church ytd was funny, everyone just started swarming around jiawei the sec2 boy in our cell group (namely just me and phoebe actually, and liting too tsk) omg hes so cute when hes shy HAHA cause all he'll do is laugh at everything we do okay. was snatching him away from phoebe and i think we say the dumbest things! me: dont steal my jiawei away from me! phoebe: YOUR jiawei?! who do you think you are! me: uhhh... his kaiqi? hahahaha damn retarded okay! everyone else was so annoyed with us two gushing over him like some paedophile HAHA omg. today i went out with my dearest impt friendddd :D missed her loads okay haha had lunch at waraku and then shopped a little around orchard, mostly just talked for hours while walking haha damn funny cause we noticed suddenly everyone around us were in pink HAHA like pink tops pink bags pink crocs pink bicycle bells (HAHAHA wth???) super retarded lah! alright i have two hours plus more to go until sunrise before i dare to sleep. and then i'll have to survive tmr omggg like shit okay. TTM ): -kaiqi haha this is retarded, nikki and i got hooked onto twilight hahahaaha wth. kaiqi! (12:13): 8-) let's take back down that highway now says (12:13): ........... kaiqi! (12:13): HAHAHA BESTIE kaiqi! (12:13): YOU .... ME let's take back down that highway now says (12:13): you roll your eyes at me let's take back down that highway now says (12:13): hahahahahah let's take back down that highway now says (12:13): i ... (someone) let's take back down that highway now says (12:13): wrong conversation kaiqi! (12:14): no i roll at edward let's take back down that highway now says (12:14): hahhahaa oh then i take the i ... (someone) back let's take back down that highway now says (12:14): i ... bella kaiqi! (12:14): HAHAHAHAHA OMG |
Saturday, December 13, 2008 @ 12:47 AM DDR AND RACING GAME WITH FEL AND LENA TODAY :D It's really more fun when you have people playing with you, hahaha! Hopefully we'll have another one of this game session, and it will last through the day :D I think this is quite a healthy obsession aye, we get to exercise while playing! CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT TIME WE HAVE A GAME SESSION! (: (: (: Anyway, just a retarded conversation I had during dance, HAHA. Wilson: We're going over to Qing's place for the farewell party. Are you going? Me: Oh, maybe? (Turns over to Qing) Are you going? Qing: -.- I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I ASKED, HAHA. Obviously he's going, it's his place -.- But it's just natural to ask right? Alright, cant remember what I wanted to blog about already, so..TOODLES! -Tzhiyun! |