The sweetest thing , The wildest woe is LOVE |
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 10:39 AM havent blogged for agessssss. service learning on tues was fun! went to minds with s28 and maths teachers gang + pretty ms seow and helped the mentally-challenged. walked around the estates and played some games with the people there, sang songs and omg i think our class has alot of hidden talents their perfomances were really niceee (: and omg joke of the day, zhengning: eh i want to see wenshi, she must be damn caring and motherly to the people! huimin: no you should see liting, shes MOTHER THERESA. HAHAHAHA i have retarded friends :D then after service learning we all took loads of group shots at the playground! mm and we finally had our first class outing, to lunch at botak jones! heeehee yay i really ♥ s28 :D
cedar was emptyyyy i dont know what we went back for too cause we didnt see any teachers :( anyhows, went out with charu and anan after that, shopping at bugis and we caught up with one another's lives. like anan and her nose story omg joke to the max! housefly seh haha and charu and her weel/peel/bill haha they made me laugh so much i almost cried omg damn cute. |
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 6:35 PM replying tags! yiwei: hello chicken, hello sbf! (: wenshi: 况且况且况且况且 HAHAHAHAHA. ryan: haha thanks :D huiying: are you sure you love me or someone else! ahem forever HAHAHA. joy: hello you were the one who started all the sia seh thing okay! im just following in your footsteps and yup lets meet up on the bus again so we can exchange watches! anan: tsk chia ananzzz not funny sia you should learn how to speak like us seh its cool to the max! hahahaaa. huiying: nono its bi tai fan HAHA. boonling: you're just as skinny okay draught of wind come only you get blown away too! looooousy (: zhengning: shit back at you pffft. ces: like shit act cute only! eh i miss your piggybacks! zona: im learning to be like you so that i can get into your laoda gang you see. and pot calling kettle black look who's the chao ahlian! gang fights somemore teehee. ![]() haha this is my bestfriend! look, we both have small eyeeees :D and omg omg i can see my balding patch sad to the max! :( -kaiqi (:( |
Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 11:27 PM today after chem tut, cx: *after reciting some chinese poem* EH I THINK IM VERY CULTIVATED. huiying: so you think you are a crop? zn: no i think shes a plant. HAHAHAHA my friends are so funnyyy. -kaiqi! #15 D a n a r i f ---------- says: fyi kaiqi- says: yeah? #15 D a n a r i f ---------- says: u cant catch a rainbow #15 D a n a r i f ---------- says: stupid... tsk who says you cant, pffft someone caught one for me alr (: |
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 8:31 PM HAHA okay shall reply tags! cess: cess like shit act cute! pffft :D antonio: no after i post it i realise your drawings suck more but i think your model is damn hot haha. cixian: what retarded its called cute okay! 几可爱一下! (msian qiang) huiying: shit forever! *thumps chest* haha okay you better not thump your chest so much cause it contains your heart and your ahemmm is in it :D filzah: HAHAHA you wait, im going to find out more about your IF then i will tease you back so you better tell me the whole story sooon! anan: heh what laaah like you wont melt if --'s the one who did it to you :))) charlene: aww welcomeee idiot ng, we love you despite your primitiveness and idiocy too! zhengning: HAHAHA the way you said it its like im the gf like that omg nonononoo haha. eunice: haha yup HELLO EX EX! (: huimin: i think our lives alot of smokescreens HAHAHA C-------- IS A SMOKESCREEN LAI DE~ karenlo: STUPID i had this blogskin for months alr now then you realise! monkey jiu shi monkey no eyes for blogskins, only have eyes for bananas and p---- HAHA (: niaogu: HAHAHAHA but sishood finds it damn suitable for you leh, look at your face got the niaogu word written across it. COOL SEH brother all the way! :D sisterhood is a joke okay HAHA we were passing around notes during chem prac today, zn: i dont know how to swim later drown how. cx: 有我在,放心不会死! me: 有你在 thats why 才会死 what. cx: thats it GOOD FRIEND NO MORE. me: i never finish saying! i meant 有你就死,but 死到很甘愿! DA JIE ALL THE WAY! *thumps chest so hard until cough* zn: thumps chest, 自残. me: but for da jie everything is worth it!!! cx: 那你死了算了. HAHAHAHAHA joke omg and this is an extract of part of the note! ![]() -kaaaaiqi! |