![]() The sweetest thing , The wildest woe is LOVE |
Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 9:25 PM went to ac funfair with tim and tina on saturdaaay (: was kind of silly, cause i ended up waiting for tim at the opposite train and two of them laughed their heads off at me afterwards. hmpf. oh we ate loads of food though some were disgusting. played games at the booths too, and some idiot went, "i will win a psp for yall to see" and ended up winning a mentos sweet instead. made us two laugh our heads off okay! then met up with tina's sister, and went to eat at thai express :D then cabbed to tina's house and played scrabble instead of mugging. made up loads of stupid words like UAS and bucks up, HAHAHA. oh and i formed a super long word RAINING which impressed all 3 of them until tim counted that there were only 8 points. hmpfft so annoying. and i could have won! except that they refused to trade their tiles with mine and i lost 50+ points cause of that the idiots ): sundaaay, met up with zonatan to study! :D didnt manage to study alot but it was fun catching up with her and laughing over silly stuff. took loads of photos and ate loads of food until my stomach exploded hee. so basically it was super unproductive for both of us, oh well, we shall study harder next week! YAAAY (: she called my fingers as long as french fries! tsk. school's quite okay nowadays, whenver we get bored in lessons wenshi and i would start msn convos and try include everyone in HAHAHA. and our topics usually revolve around the same people ------- and -----! HEH so spastic (: and i accidentally poured mango ice over her today while trying to feed her, so now she smells of mango heh. at least it wasnt watermelon and apple or whatever that was that we tried last week. HAHA. mm i feel kind of bad, cause im making everyone tuition me nowadays! subeer taught me apgp today, and daniel taught me econs last thurs and this coming thurs too. soon im going to owe the whole world treats for being my tuition teachers laaah, haha. -k! |
@ 9:03 PM Okay I started on my korean class again. It totally sucks to study alone. I could just doze off okay. I think the teacher hates me, AHAHAHA. I messaged Tina during lesson, and he was like ' I thought you had great passion for korean?' along that line yeah. So I replied 'Passion is one thing, studying is another!' :D I'm in a Bitchy Mood today. Complained so much to Chagiyah! But really, !@#$%^&*('s getting too close for comfort, I dont like! Can't exactly rant it out to some people, so I had to bear with it till I could rant to Chagiyah! While talking to her, I got reminded of an incident last year. Hahahaah! That junior totally got attacked by me due to her lack of thoughts and my bitchy-ness. But I swear I've been nicer since this year started! HAHAHA. Less bitching, just occasional outbursts :D What to do, it's human nature okay! Having Econs and Math test tomorrow, and I haven't exactly studied much, yay me -.- Oh oh oh! I met Jesiska at J8 on Thursday when I went out with t32 people for Sakaeee! :D :D :D We were both so shocked to see each other, haahah! But actually, shouldn't be so surprising. I mean, I live in Bishan and she studies in RJC, so yeah. Remember those days when she keeps falling asleep in class, and I'd come up with different ways to wake her up. Like pulling her ponytail upwards, shaking her table and shouting "EARTHQUAKEEEEE!" or emptying her pencil case (Learn from Jessica Tjung!) Those were the good ole' days! And my constant bitching with her, ahh, another great ranting & bitching partner! HAHA. (: Thinking about it makes me happy already! We really need to meet up soon :D I shall ATTEMPT to study now! :D -tzhiyun! |
Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 10:54 PM STWENTY makes me happy happy (: i think its kinda cute how any group of us can gather tgt anywhere and just laugh over the silliest things :D our gathering at ppmacs was stupid, for some reason glenn was against leon and his bald head and we all ended up creating stupid jokes about leon being a shaolin monk. HAHA! and the way he laughed was so kuku, as though he's having a stroke, tsk! oh well, i think stwenty makes all of us high :D -k! |
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 11:17 PM Blog-hopped around and realised, I really miss 4I. Imagine when we finally get to meet up and catch up, I know we'd be talking like we've just met yesterday. Read Jessica Tjung's blog, those retarded posts she had! Like tripping cause' of her supposedly long skirt, that was classic, seriously! Jogging periods were really the bomb! Singing Tarzan&Jane throughout, cheering out loud, screaming and shouting like nobody's business! Ten years down the road, I think it's still hard to forget all these stuff (: Okay, I can't help but keep reminiscing. Talk about the present, everything's fine now! More dedicated to Dance, trying hard not to doze off during lectures etc. Yeah, just normal everyday stuff everyone goes through! There's PTM tomorrow, seems like it's gonna be kinda boring, ohwell. I think I've got a lack of content to blog about, so maybe I'll lay off for awhile, unless I need to come and rant about certain issues! Let's take a walk down memory lane, -tzhiyun! |
Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 9:49 PM I think my parents didn't manage to get anything for me today, meaning no track pants ): Apparently my brother called my parents, then my mom asked him to buy me some stuff from Thailand. But he said he has no more money left, cause he spent it on buying ARMY SHIRTS -.- So mom said 'haha, then give meimei your army shirt lah, she can wear it to sleep!' How nice ah, army shirt as souvenir. But i bet chagiyah definitely wouldn't mind! HAHAHA. The Econs Group (yes, please note that it's our group name, HAHA!) is coming over to my place to complete the video, i hope we actually do complete it! Okay we have to, it's due on monday! Talk about monday, there's PE ): Most probably Mass PE. GAAAAAAAH. Talking to audrey amuses me! :D she makes me happy lah. I bet she'll get darn ego after reading this! hahahaahah! Catch me. (I know audrey would! :D) -tzhiyun! |
@ 12:52 AM havent been blogging for quite some timeee, and i realise thats what i always start my posts with HAHAHA. oh well, school's been okaaay so far for the week, my timetable's darn cool! 3 one o'clock days okay, super slack. but that means i have to wait for the others to end their lessons before i can go home with them, hmpf. and i just realised my new class is quite chinese, its so different from the rest of sa haha :D the only thing's that i kinda miss s20 and our crazy times, all of us are so deprived of laughter that whenever we gather tgt we start laughing over the silliest things :D we can even go shopping at sa's popular out of nowhere, or laugh over embarrassing moments in the cafe, hohos. mm well, going to meet beetle chai for studying session laterrr :D been such a long time since i met her for saturdays, bet her feelers grew longer over the weeks alr HAHAHA. pout whine frown screammmms. -k! sighhh i think the polish poem Love at First Sight is damn, damn sweet :D Beautiful is such a certainty, but uncertainty is more beautiful. |
Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 9:13 PM my mom and dad just called from hongkong, they bought me clothes, YAY :D they saw one of this top which i bought from Espirit, but it was matched with a yellow singlet inside, mommy wanted to get it cause it looked good, but papa said i dont wear yellow! heh, he knows me quite well aye (: hahaha, i think audrey might be wondering why i dont wear yellow since it's such a nice colour (cause' it is her favourite colour!) HAHA. yay, they have a couple more days there, BUY ME MORE CLOTHES, HAHAHA :D :D but i think my mom cant find those track pants i want, i'll go check out Novena Velocity tomorrow, see if i can get those pants :D anyway, i feel damn loved :D went out with grandparents today, meeting them again tomorrow. perhaps i'll spend some quality time alone after that and shop on my own :D YOU, why did you have to do what you did, it was a fatal blow to me. now you've got me ---- ---- -----, even ---------- dont help! when is this gonna end. okay i'm off to go add subtitles for the econs video! -tzhiyun! (: |
Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 9:19 PM had a nice talk with Tiffy today, just the two of us (: told her about my DEEP DARK SECRET! hahahaha, okay wth (x but i'm glad to have her with me, at least someone whom i can trust and confide in (: (: (: oh oh oh! DANCE CONCERT! on 9th May, 8pm (most probably!) in the school PAC! please come support us okay, but ticket details aren't out yet! while i was away from class during Chinese today, apparently Loulou(Louis!) was sitting at my place. he looked through my pencil case and used my scissors TO CUT HIS LEG HAIR. and that wasn't all! he put the strands of hair on my table, but they kept flying about. so Tiffy suggested using scotchtape to make sure they don't fly about. after that they decided to stick the leghair-filled scotchtape somewhere. and where was it? on my correction tape -.- so all in all, my stationeries are infested with Loulou's leg hair. HOW SICK IS THAT! hahahahaah! Lesson learnt: Never ever leave pencil case anywhere near Loulou. i'm tired, shall try to sleep early tonight! -tzhiyun! |
Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ 9:58 PM sigh. there's gonna be school tomorrow ): i dont feel prepared to go back to school somehow, but it's not like i didnt finish my homework. okay fine, i didnt, a few blanks here and there! i've been thinking of getting alot of things recently. like really alot! so many things, so little money! HAHAHA. who wants to contribute to Tzhiyun's Shopping Fund! :D okay i just thought of a brilliant plan to get everything i want without spending my own money, MUAHAHAHAHAAHAH! i hope it works out :D i feel happy just thinking about it, HAHAHAHA! SHIT! i just remembered, we're supposed to assume that tomorrow's the math test! like wth! OMG! i seriously dont know anything about AP, GP and sigma! what is this! omg! AHHHHH. PANICS! I'M OFF TO STUDY. -tzhiyun! |
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @ 9:55 PM Friday met up with Esther for lunch! yeap, we had korean food again :D caught up on alot of stuff! all i can say is, i'm really happy for her! (: we should really have this kinda meet-ups regularly, hahaha! cabbed to school for dance. Ryan wasn't around, only Xuehui was there. learnt another routine, it's really nice but i cant exactly dance it out ): it's kinda demoralising. okay nevermind, i'll just have to make the best out of it! okay i wanted to post photos, but kinda no mood now. so, bye world! -tzhiyun |
Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 6:21 PM YAY I JUST WATCHED HORTON! (: there were so many kids around, hahaha! i think i can fit in as a kid, HAHA. cause when i was out with tina, philip, mingquan and junkai, me and philip went to buy food, then this uncle started talking to me. Uncle: You sec what now huh? Me: Huh uncle, i'm in JC already eh! Uncle: Oh really! I thought you were only 13,14 Me: NO UNCLE! i'm 16 going 17 already! So i told philip about it, his initial reaction was like just 'ha-ha, okay'. then a few seconds later he was like 'hahaahah, 13/14!' how much slower can he get -.- okay continue with my Horton movie. my current PM on msn is 'In my world, everyone are ponies. They eat rainbows and poop butterflies! HAHAHA.' yes, HAHAHAHA. i quoted it from this funny yellow creature in the movie. then i told tina about it. Tina: -_____- they poop you. i always knew you were poop. (in case ya'll dont know, i was known as a butterfly in class) Me: HAHAHA. though you're insulting me, it's funny! but it doesnt mean i forgive you Tina: hahaha Me: YOU DIEEEEEEEE Tina: =.= shit. zzz. lol. OMG i called you! Me: EH WTH! YOU ASSSSSSSSS! Tina: hahahaah. that's how we friends bond right, insulting each other :D Me: okay i'll think of more ways to insult you, just you wait. Me: ahahahaha but still wth, ponies poop me! well, they poop pretty poop lah! Tina: i think you should change your pm to 'ponies poop me!' Me: you shut up lah! what about you be the rainbow! HAHAHAHA. ponies eat you! Tina: no -.- that'll be like after i get digested, i become you -.- lol. hahahahahaah Me: WTH! HAHAHAHAHAAH Tina: hahaha, no wonder we're such good friends. we actually had such a deep connection -.- Me: yeah man, sure. Me: ponies eat you and poop me, HAHAHAHAHA. omg so funnayeeeee. Tina: yay :D [he changes his nick to 'Ponies eat Qineng and poop Zhiyun'] Me: hahahahah YOU MAKE ME SOUND SO POOPY! Tina: what poopy -.- Me: shitty, HAHAHHA. Tina: ahahahaha. LAMER okay then tina was gonna go offline, so he said 'bye poop!' and i said 'bye food!' Tina: what food -.- Me: you're food what! ponies EAT you, so you're food. Tina: OH Me: are you dumb or are you dumb. you're dumb. Tina: i'm zhiyun! Me: HAHAHA! shut up lah you! okay so now, we're Food and Poop, HAHAHA! i didnt blog about yesterday, went on the duck tour, no hippo tour. it was alrighttttttt, a littleeee boring though. but hey, locals get 40% discount you know! hahahaa. went to the museum after that, i like it there (: and it's a very nice place to camwhore, really. HAHA. it's quite fun there, if only i could show ya'll the photos! but it's not in my camera, only got a few pictures in mine. (i'll post them up if i ever upload them!) oh, i saw a couple taking their wedding photos there! i swear the bride looked darn pretty, her gown is really lovely! haha, makes me feel like getting married too! :B WHO WANTS TO MARRY ME! HAHAHAHAH! currently, i'm really hooked on to this song by Mariah Carey, Through The Rain (: I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again On my own and I know That I’m strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith And I live one more day And I make it through the rain Yeah, I'll make it through the rain. -tzhiyun! |
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 7:15 PM you make me damn sad, and for once this aint about Mr C. thinking about it is enough to make me cry. but i dont want to seem like such a baby, crying over this kinda thing. this sucks big time. i dont know what to say and what to do, talk to my parents about it? but this will happen eventually, just that i didnt prepare for it. i've got less than 2 months left till that day comes, and i'm really not prepared for it. i hate changes. i hate changes. i hate changes. i hate changes. i hate changes. hey Change, you suck. -tzhiyun. |
Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 10:42 PM damnnnnnn. ): papa's going hongkong next weekend, like Good Friday week. and then he actually said me and mommy could go if we could get the air ticket. apparently, if i want to go it's fine cause i'll leave on thursday evening. but i cant come back in time for school ): this sucks. i cant go then! and i'll have to go to school on my own on monday! this is badddd. i even msged Miss Giam to see if the timetable would change so i could leave early on thursday ): so for the weekend, my whole family wont be around. even my brother aint around! need to go to school tomorrow! was talking to Ian, then he told me some stuff about ----- ----. why cant it --- --------! why must it --- -----! i'm going to school tomorrow eh! so wasted ): i hope everything goes well tomorrow! (: Once again -tzhiyun! |
Sunday, March 9, 2008 @ 9:28 PM caffeine overdose=not fun. it makes you light-headed, nauseous, queasy and restless. IT SUCKS BIG TIME. shit happens -.- since i'm in their position in a way, i should try to understand. but i cant, chagiyah, i cant ): i'm tryingggg, but i know i'm failing. so i should just run away, like literally run away! hahahaah! this kinda things, i'm helpless okay! so whatever! i just had this super ego conversation with chagiyah :D she agrees that i'm the best thing that ever happened to her, and 'no one can match up to [my] beauty and the way [i] make [her] smile. [I'M] AMAZING!' the 2nd half was totally quoted from her, i didnt make it up okay :D i've been supposedly blogging for the past 2 hours, but this is all i've got, HAHA. toodles world! -tzhiyun (: |
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 @ 10:25 PM school's kinda fun these days :D been ps-ing my class alot along with tina and tim, the other two loners of s20 HAHA (: wanted to sit tgt to gossip during pw today, but we got chased away by some random teacher hmpf. but they made me laugh so badly during gp, with some idiot trying to write chinese when his chinese was so lousy! handsome and strong my foot hahaha. and tina's name was so cute, tina endi www! :D maths was worse, sat with tina, commonwealth and glenn tgt. and commonwealth was so kuku, everytime tina needed glenn's help, he'll fight to answer instead, and after he explained some question he went, "eh tina can you explain to me what i just said, i dont understand my own explanation." HAHAHA and he gives such a spastic eager expression each time tina needs help, that he made us all snort out loud, darn kuku! :D i dont want term one to end, seriously ): but on the bright side some of us are all joining the same cca tgt :D water polo, rock climbing, photog and culinary! :D wanted to join mentoring, but idiotic tim and tina deliberately forgot to remind me to sign up, HMPF. oh yeah, i have a mean chagiyah! she doesnt let other people bully me, not cause im her hunnaye, but cause she wants to be the only one who can bully me the worst! TSK HER OKAY, what kind of hubbaye is that lah hmpf! kaiqi- ;D says: i think i have a PLEASE BULLY ME face kaiqi- ;D says: everyone around me bullies me! tzhiyun' You're like a song on a Constant Playback says: HAHAAH YEAH tzhiyun' You're like a song on a Constant Playback says: written on your forehead tsk that chagiyah, dont you feel like smacking her somedays! haha. -k! |
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 @ 8:49 PM it sucks to be sick. my 2nd time to the doctor, to a different doctor. the first doctor was really bad. this is one of the few times that i get sick for such a long period of time. i wont be going to school tomorrow, which means i'll be missing dance practice ): shitty. just when i'm actually looking forward to the dance practice, i cant go. i really wanna go ): what if they think i'm not committed and pull me out of the performances ): gaaah, this sucks. and i wont get to --- - --------. i hope there's dance on friday, must have dance on friday! i'm missing out on alot man. ): but on a lighter note, I WONT HAVE TO GO FOR GP! hahaahah, no gp no gp no gp. Write me a Love Song -tzhiyun |
Sunday, March 2, 2008 @ 10:39 AM hahaha its been so long since i blogged ayes (: aiyer i miss my old class looooads ): i guess all of us do, but theres absolutely nothing we can do about it ): petitions, talking to the vp all didnt work, so i suppose i'll be stuck with my new class for the next 2 years. it aint such a bad thing, just that i'd rather be part of s20 anyday (: went to the zoo with jann jiejie's family last weekend, and it was funnnnn :D both emily and cedric were darn cute, they told me i look like the flamingos, all skinny and tall! and cedric even told his mom that the bamboo at home for hanging clothes is broken alr, can they borrow kaiqi over to use? what nonsense okay, reminds me of how fanzhian and tim calls me bamboo all the time, hahaha! oh and i kinda got too excited when i saw the giraffes, that i screamed so loud the tourists stared. heh yay i love the zooo :D s20's been going out almost everyday for the past two weeks, cause we just cant bear to part with one another :D so that means tina and i get to see each other everyday for long periods of time, and she still complains so much TSK. ytd's class outing to settler's was crazy :D we were so high over the ugly ugly ugly game and the pictionary, that all we did was scream and laugh at every single thing haha! so much so that other tables had to shush us but oh well who cares :D camwhored at sg river (reminds me of a certain ray!) and poor leon was our photographer but i bet he kinda enjoyed it for some reason hahaha! :D -k! oh before that, met up with lack, zona and charlene at orchard :D and the retards were darn mean, kept teasing me about ykw okay, tsk. and charlene ng was darn funny, she herself exposed her own secrets out to zonatan! which is so typical of her, i laugh :D aiyer i just realised now we 4 are all split up into different places, gaaah i miss them loads lah ): |
Saturday, March 1, 2008 @ 1:54 PM i haven't blogged in quite a while, haha! i think t32 people are quite cute, hahah! should make an effort to bond more :D i like going to school nowwww. okay i always did, hahaha! (: it's really nice to have someone whom you like, and that someone likes you back too aye. okay i should stop dreaming about such stuff, hahahaha! -tzhiyun! |