![]() The sweetest thing , The wildest woe is LOVE |
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 12:11 AM went out on christmas day with zonatan, shopped for one whole day at bugis, bras basah, john little, wisma and taka! :D and someone spent a whole 15 mins choosing her own glasses, and took like 3 mins to choose my present for others, TSK! oh and we felt so high being out of work that we even wanted to walk in and out of taka just to be counted! hohos :D
after shopping, went to find ng at hougang, and ended up spending the night at her house! :D played mahjong with her sister, and zona and i lost tragically ): all because of charlene ng and her 五万, hahaha! ended up taking ng's bed and she slept on the floor, hohos so noble eh! (x -k! |
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 12:12 AM MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MY DEAREST HUBBAYE! (: though this year its only you and me, but our er ren shi jie is still as nice! HAHA i think we're such a lousy couple, we spend more time online on msn together than out on dates! (x still, thanks for being there always whenever i need someone to rant to, tease at, or to swoon over idols with! and thanks for sharing your idols with me, one day im going to influence you to fall for someone too okay! HMPF (x anyway, WE MUST KEEP IN TOUCH okay! up till when we grow up and i marry my hins (okay fine, or maybe yunho :D) and you marry your junsu on the same wedding day :D if not I'D SMACK YOU TOO, for forgetting such a wonderful hunnaye like me, hmpf. i know you wont though, you wont bear to forget someone like me! HAHA. anyway, though i dont say this often, thanks for being the nicest, funnayest, CLASSIEST (snort!) hubby that i can ask for :D someone who will be there to share my joys and sorrows, to daydream about our future together marrying foreign husbands, but still be in touch with each other. i know its not often in life when we can find such wonderful friends like these, so for all these, I LOVE YOU! <3 merry christmas once more, and may you dream of junsu tonight! (x ohoh, merry christmas to everyone i love as well :D and happy 2007th birthday to JESUS! -k! |
Monday, December 24, 2007 @ 12:40 PM holidays are almost over, sighhh ): wish there wasnt school in jan okay, hmpf. on the bright side, WORK IS OVER! (: happyhappy, at least i dont need to waste 4 hours of my nights counting people and missing all the good food and shows at home anymore, YAY. was so excited bout my last day at work yesterday that i couldnt bother to count properly, just sat on the floor and msged tayzhiyun continuously throughout the 4 hours! HAHA. and TSK that tayzhiyun! she and her bad influence, trying to make me fall for her dbsk! and im ashamed to admit that i have fallen for them, slightly (: giving her a chance to gloat and say I TOLD YOU SO and I KNEW IT! hmpf tsk her! but HAHAHA, i still cant get over amusing dbsk scenes of mushrooms and beansprouts, so spastic! (: oh my i wanna learn korean! HMPF. oh im floating on clouds happy with my jeans purchase yesterday! :D finally, i have a pair of jeans! HAHA no more mini skirts everyday HOHOHO! ![]() sighhhh, I WANNA BE THERE FOR KARY'S 08 CONCERT! ): dont you find her so zai that you just have to love her, swoons! :D -k! cant think of anything else to blog about alr lah. FUNNAYE HUBBAYE, YOUR TURN TO BLOG! (: |
Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 10:13 PM OMG KAREN LO, EAT YOUR HEART OUT! :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 9:07 PM havent been blogging since ages ago :D anw! shall blog about happy stuff :) started work with gc the pest, doing data entry! had fun laughing like mad over silly names like changpentse (chimpanzee), goh rella (gorilla) and chan tao suan or sth, haha! okay i think we're so mean, our kids will be laughed at by other people anyway in the future! what minyou,minme and bobo chacha! TSK! :) went out to eat with ng and tan at some games restaurant on sat, and the service was so lousy hmpf. waited for almost an hour for our food to arrive, and then we played monopoly! :) self-entertained ourselves and laughed like mad, haha! especially with stupid ng's tadaa when throwing the dice! haha and my constant visiting of the jail. hmpf. look at how spastic stupid zona looks trying to shoot us two! HAHA.
-k! :) |
Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 12:02 AM today's the day :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNSU! i know a million other girls would be wishing him happy birthday so this is kinda insignificant, but i just have to wish him happy birthday! makes myself happy too (: the many things i love about him: His bright smile, perky butt, innocence, determination, the list just goes on. he's like the sun in teletubbies' land (as quoted from the other dbsk members) okay, i know i sound like some crazy obsessed fangirl, which i am. but they are worth it! HAHAHA. -tzhiyun! |
Sunday, December 2, 2007 @ 9:48 AM im floating on clouds happy, MY COMP IS HEALED! :D and all my photos are intact and safe, yaaaaaay (: i feel so grateful i can marry the comp in gratitude or sth, haha! went out to ecp with gc, joy and rasyiqah last week :D had fun at the silly arcade playing para para sakura and gun games! hohos. and gc was so excited when she saw the dance dance game, she tripped over the platform while dancing! haha. and joy was highly amused by our para para dance until she fell over laughing the whole time. TSK! did rollerblading afterwards, skated for two whole hours along the sea while squabbling with gc. and joy amused herself by taking photos and videos of the 3 of us, haha! in which one of them i gently nudged gc and she fell over her skates, heh. oh and joy ended up hopping on skates around rasyiqah before they both fell or sth, haha! :D went out on fri with joy and anan to ps, and we tried to watch an M18 movie full of nudity girls that joy liked. HAHA. and we got in okay, aint we pro! :D the movie was quite boring though, dont know how there can be comments about it being the best movie of the year hmpf. oh and we ate thai FOD and nice nice green curry, i like! (: shopped around afterwards, and we were so amused by funny ms whatever haha! oh we found joy a perfect christmas fancy dress and matching scarfs. haha! and we wanted to buy joy a button which says im a flirt, but she didnt like it. not like she needed it anyway, people ALR know she's a flirt! haha. did traffic counting at city hall at 7, was so bored out of my wits for that four hours doing nothing except staring into the distance at my deserted bus stop, hmpf. and zonatan was so lazy she sat unglamly on the floor like a beggar outside her location (in her own words). oh TSK, such unprofessionality indeed! haha. sat night, went shopping and starbucking with gc the beetle. we were so entertained in toysR'us by the silly toy bunny which sang 'i love to travel in my car, my car, my car!' haha! :D oh and gc decided to change her shell into a $60 branded one. tsk so materialistic aye! haha. and she started calling me STOOPS, short for stupid, and it amused me so badly i sat on the floor laughing haha! tsk that blabbering blabby beetle for coming up with the most spastic expressions! (: ![]() by the way, I BOUGHT MY DREAM CAMERA! (: was so ex i almost cried when i gave over my money okay ): but at least now i can take photos of kids all day long hohos! -kaaaaaay! :D oh before i forget, im utterly disappointed in charleney ng! she actually fell for xiaozhu under zona's bad influence, oh TSK TSK TSK! lack lo you better not join them even though you are a ZHU too, or i'll be left all alone! ): |