Sunday, November 25, 2007 @ 12:50 AM
havent been blogging for ages, heh. i seem to be joining zotan and charlene in MIA-ing at our blogs! haha.
anyway, a few photos from the sfx camp that i took two days ago, swoons! im just so in love with the 16 adorable little kids okay, was so tempted to abduct a few home hohos! :D
 anusha! :D  rebekah & jeremiah, the two siblings who called me AUNTIE! ): i was so hurt!  jeremiah!  cute but super shy jia'en!  renee!  kelynn! aint she pretty :D
eugene! :D
and pretty zandra! :D
went out to eat sakae with ng and tan, and charlene became obsessed with crabsticks and kept ordering crabstick sushis, tsk! oh and she was too drunk with sushi that she announced her working time is from 5 to 4.30! haha. and cause it was buffet, we got greedy and ordered 23 plates of food and couldnt finish in the end, almost had to pay the fine for food wastage haha! eventually we forced ourselves to finish and all of us had a stomachache ):
afterwhich we went to watch Enchanted and laughed our heads off throughout it :D oh and ng fell in love with roller-blading guys and tan fell in love with alvin the chipmunk, haha! up till now im still so amused by the show lah its just too cute! :D
afterwards, went for a bit of shopping and zona declared her love for a certain someone by defending her when charlene insulted her! orhor, we knew it all along that zona wanted to steal her away from lack and ng! haha TSK!
-k! ohmy im so zai, i survived a whole month w/o blogging! :D